Wiang Kosai National Park ‘Chill out and feel relaxed with your family.’

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Phrae also has national parks like many other provinces. All of them are perfect for you and your family to spend a good holiday together. Let’s this following one be your choice, Wiang Kosai National Park.

The name ‘Wiang Kosai’ is based on the former name of Phrae Province. The national park itself is the first national park of Phrae, which takes place in Long County and Wang Chin County of Phrae, and Thoen County, Sob Prab County, and Mae Ta County of Lampang.

The place is beautiful. However, you need to be careful if you have small children or elderly people with you, as Wiang Kosai National Park mostly consists of high mountains. Be sure to watch them very carefully while walking. Don’t lose them. In fact, people who’re not in perfect health or physical condition, especially people with heart disease or bone disease, are not suppose to go to the national park.

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wiang kosai national park, wiang kosai forest park, wiang kosai, wiang kosai national park in phrae, wiang kosai forest park in phrae, wiang kosai in phrae, national parks in the north of thailand, national parks in phrae


The landscape is high steep mountains, the average steep is 80 degree. The highest point from sea level equals 1,267 meters whereas the average equal 800 meters. Covering with evergreen forest and mixed deciduous forests and overlapping high steep cliffs that are the sources of many streams e.g. Mae Koeng, Mae Jork, Mae Sin and Mae Pak. Since mountain is sandstone, it makes the soil decayed from the mountain become sandy soil with fine ventilation. The plain area nearby the slopes of the hill is good condition laterite soil.


Summer, March to May, the maximum temperature is around 39°C in April. From June to October is the rainy season and during the winter, November to February, The minimum temperature is around 13°C in December.

Flora and Fauna

In the upper side of the mountain range covers with dry evergreen forests whereas the lower side are mixed deciduous forests. The important plants are Oramosia, rubbers, genus diospyros, Lagerstroemia, red pterocarpus and teaks, and also the forest floor e.g., bamboo, palms, rattans, dendrobium, etc.

The forests are the living place of various kinds of wild animals e.g. tiger, elephant and deer. But a large number of the animals were hunted illegally. Nowadays there are only small animals to see such as barking deer, wild boars, squirrels, chipmunks and several kinds of birds that are plentifully lives in the valleys and river sources.

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wiang kosai national park, wiang kosai forest park, wiang kosai, wiang kosai national park in phrae, wiang kosai forest park in phrae, wiang kosai in phrae, national parks in the north of thailand, national parks in phrae
wiang kosai national park, wiang kosai forest park, wiang kosai, wiang kosai national park in phrae, wiang kosai forest park in phrae, wiang kosai in phrae, national parks in the north of thailand, national parks in phrae

Tourist Attractions at Wiang Kosai National Park

  • Dong Ta KienIn a sidewalk 15 Km from the headquarter is a dense bush of Ta Kien Tong (Hopea odorata Roxb.) with 100 years of age. The biggest one is about 2 meters diameter.
  • Huge VineOnly 1 Km from the head quarter of the park.
  • Mae Jork Hot SpringMae Jork Hot Spring Located next to Mae Jork School, Mae Pak Sub-district, Wang Chin District, Prae Province. It is a hot spring coming up from the ground having a temperature of about 80°C. It looks strange and very beautiful, especially in the morning that covers with fog coming from steam right here.
  • Mae Koeng Luang and Mae Koeng Noi WaterfallsMae Koeng Luang and Mae Koeng Noi Waterfalls are beautiful cascading waterfalls composed of 5 stages like stairs, thus the local words “Mae Koeng” means stairs. These 2 waterfalls comes join together to Yom River at Ban Sob Koeng, Wang Chin District, Prae Province.
  • Mae Sin WaterfallA small waterfall with rinsing water year round. You can walk through the side walk for 4 Km.
  • Pan Jen WaterfallA small waterfall located upon Mae Koeng River as same as Mae Koeng Luang waterfall. 1 Km far from the headquarter, at the Ban Khang Jai School then turn right and go foe another 6 Km long.

Choosing a proper season is also important. There are 3 seasons at the national park: summer, cold season, and rainy season. The hottest temperature is 39 degree Celcius, which is somewhere during April. The coldest temperature is 13 degree Celcius, which is during December.You and your family have to decide together which the favourite season of you guys is. Then book tickets.

When you’re in the national park, it will be happy for you to have a sightseeing, have a picnic, explore the woodland, play the waterfall, and do many other things. Just keep the area clean and don’t ruin anything. Always teach your children about that. There are many animals at the national park, mostly small ones like squirrels and birds. Show your children how to love and have mercy for them.

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wiang kosai national park, wiang kosai forest park, wiang kosai, wiang kosai national park in phrae, wiang kosai forest park in phrae, wiang kosai in phrae, national parks in the north of thailand, national parks in phrae

For the best experience, you and your family may want to spend some nights at the national park. There are camping spots, where you can set up your own tents, and shelthers. Sleeping at the national park is good, because you can getup early to see the sunrise on mountaintop and eat nice breakfast. That will be an unexplainable good feeling.


There is a campground but without equipment for rent. There are also a grocery store and public telephones there.

Contact address

Wiang Kosai national park
P.O.Box 1, Wang Chin, Phrae 54160
Tel. 01-224 0779

How to get there

To get to Wiang Kosai national park, you should drive along the Highway No.101 until you pass Denchai County for about 10 kilometres. Then you turn right into the Highway No.11. Continue straight for about 40 kilometres until you reach Wang Chin County. Turn the left and keep going for another 13 kilometres or you can contact travel agency in Chiang Mai to arrange a private tour for you.

Opening hours and Entrance fee : Opens daily from 9 am until 5 pm. Admission is 200 THB

Note : Wheelchair user is accessible for some place

wiang kosai national park, wiang kosai forest park, wiang kosai, wiang kosai national park in phrae, wiang kosai forest park in phrae, wiang kosai in phrae, national parks in the north of thailand, national parks in phrae

Wiang Kosai National Park Map