Namtok Mae Surin National Park : Attractions in Mae Hong Son

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Namtok Mae Surin National Park is located in faraway jungle amidst rugged mountain in Amphoe Khun Yuam and Muang of Mae Hong Son, the park acquire about 400 square kilometres. The aerial survey finds that the forest around Mae Surin Waterfall was rich in bushiness. The cone-shaped Doi Pui Mountain has unique landscape with flat-lop summit where blanketed with cold weather all the year round. Its waterfalls, Mae Surin and Pha Bong, are major natural points of interest. Thus, the country’s 37th national park was established in 1981.


Most area in the park is rugged range, rock mountain and towering cliffs particularly at Doi Khun Nam Rin and Doi Pui. Various forest types, including mixed deciduous forest, dry evergreen forest, deciduous dipterocarp forest and coniferous forest, 1 carpets the whole area. Among such wilderness, there are many prestige orchids such as Vanda coerulea. The vast wilderness is watershed many tributaries that contribute to Pai River.

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The park has comfortable climate. It is quite cold along the winter. Heavy rains in the rainy season always worsen the transportation. So, winter and summer is the best period to make a visit to the park.

Flora and fauna
Mixed deciduous forest and deciduous dipterocarp blankets low land by the stream where high moisture nourishes the trees. Its major plants include Dipterocarpus alatus, Terminalia bellirica. Coniferous forest covers most steep ridges Pinus merkusii and p.kesiya can be found. Numerous kinds of wildlife can be found such as Bear. Sam bar Deer, Common Muntjak, Common Wild Boar, Civet, Macaque, Langur, Mouse Deer, Gibbon and Tiger as well as different kinds of birds.

Attractions in Namtok Mae Surin National Park

numtok mae surin, numtok mae surin national park, numtok mae surin mae hong son

Mae Surln Waterfall

Mae Surin Waterfall is one of the highest waterfall in Thailand. Mae Surin stream falls in to the cliff 180 metres below. Situated 38 kilometres from Amphoe Khun Yuam, it can be accessed during the dry season only.

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Pha Bong Waterfall

Damkhon Waterfall (Pha Bong Waterfall) Damkhon Stream falls through 2 tiers at 30 metres high. It is 12 kilometres from Mae Hong Son. The waterfall can be visited all the year round.

Pai River : The river has beach which is a nice place for camping. The exciting white water ratting tour is available on this river.

Nong Khiao : The vast plain situated on the ridge is covered with coniferous forest. Tourists require to trek 2 hours from Mae Surin Waterfall

Doi Pui : Famed for cold weather, the flat-top mountain is home to many temperate-climate plants.

Nam Hu Haichai Cave : It is a strange natural phenomenon. Every 25 minutes, the cave wall always breathe out water from the holes. It is assumed that such phenomenon is resulted from water pressure deep from the underground. The cave is in Tambon Pha Bong. Amphoe Mueang of Mae Hong Son. Visitors require to walk for 3-4 hours from Ban Huai Nam. Mae Sakuet.

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Namtok Mae Surin National Park Map