Doi Phu Nang national park ‘Explore the nature with your fresh heart.’

Visiting a national park is more entertaining than you think. Come and visit Doi Phu Nang National Park in Phayao Province, Thailand.
Its story began in 1990. At the time, an Agriculture and Co-operative Minister named Major General Sanan Kajornprasart went on his government service trip in Nong Lom District, Do Kham Tai County, Phayao Province. He spreader the policy of forest preservation for the province and told the forest office in Chiang Rai to create a perfect plan for forest preservation and forest area definition, in order to set up an area for wild animal preservation or a national park.
Then the defined areas were explored. Officers found that the areas were perfect for being a national park, as there were plentiful natural resources. Then a forestry scholar named Warawut Amornthat was assigned to explored the right side of Mae Yom Forest again and also the nearby areas.

The geographical features of the National Park consist of high mountains, extending northwards. Meanwhile, Mae-yom Forest and Nampi Forest consist of high mountains extending like a horseshoe, as well as a low-lying land of Chiang-muan District situated in the middle of the two forests. Doi Phu Nang is the highest mountaintop of the two forests at the altitude of 1,202 meters (or 300 meters above the sea level) and being the source of major gullies flowing into Mae-yom River.
The average highest temperature at the National Park is 31.3°C; meanwhile, the lowest temperature is 20.2°C; and the average year-round temperature is 22.5°C. The average rainfalls within 10 years of Dok Kamtai District, Pong District, and Chiang-muan District, are 1,095 mm, 1,777.5 mm, and 1,093.2 mm respectively.
Flora and Fauna
There are various kinds of forests within the areas of the National Park, including tropical evergreen forests, mixed deciduous forests, and timber forests. Major plants, which are of great economic value, include rubber trees, Malabar ironwood, Leguminosae (Pradoo), Afzelia xylocarpa Roxb., Lagerstroemia (Tabaek), Mangifera caloneura Kurz (wild mango), Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) Alston (Mayompa) Michelia alba, Berrya ammonilla Roxb. (Liang Mun), Schleichera oleosa (Takraw), Vitex pinnata Linn. (Teen Nok), Lithocarpus Cantleyanus (Kor), and pine wood.
Wild animals found in the National Park include fishing cats, Asiatic black bears, wild boars, Muntiacus Muntjak, masked palm civets, bamboo rats, tree shrews, squirrels, different kinds of birds, and reptiles.

Finally, a new national park and animal-preserving area emerged. Now, Doi Phu Nang National Park takes place in 3 differnet forest areas.
- Mae Yom Forest: Kuan District, Pong District, Sara District, Chiang Muan District, and Ban Mang District of Chiang Muan County, Phayao Province
- Mae Tam Forest: Ban Pin District of Dok Kham Tai County, Phayao Province
- Mae Rong Khui Forest: Nong Lom District of Dok Kham Tai County, Phayao Province
All of these are legally preserved forests. Therefore, perfect natural resources and sceneries are guaranteed.
Doi Phu Nang National Park mostly consists of high mountains, from 361-1,222 metres higher than the medium sea level. Doi Phu Nang is the highest spot.
The north connects to Wiang Lor Animal-Preserving Area, Song County, Phayao Province.
The south connects to Mae Yom National Park, Song County, Phrae Province.
The east connects to Doi Pha Chang Animal-Preserving Are and Ban Luang County, Nan Province.
The west connects to Wiang Lor Animal-Preserving Area and Dam Forest Project.
To have a fun trip, you need to choose a proper season to travel. If you want our suggestion, we suggest you to travel during winter, as the weather will be cool. Winter is quite perfect for a trip on mountains, as you will see the fog too. However, the lowest temperature of Doi Phu Nang National Park was 9 degree Celcius. Therefore, prepare thick and warm costumes with you too.
There are 4 different types of forests there: rain forest, montane forest, deciduous dipterocarp forest, and mixed forest. There will be lots of rare plant species for you to see.

Having a camp at the national park
Of course, you can have a camp at Doi Phu Nang National Park. There are 2 camping grounds where you will have a chance to watch a romantic sunset with your love one.
Other interesting things within the national park
- Tarn Sawan Waterfall : This is a medium-sized waterfall, which originated from many streams: Huai Song Sob, Huai Pong, Huai Oon, and Bo Pia. The water flows all year round and looks extremely beautiful in green color.
- Huai Ton Pueng Waterfall : This is a small limestone waterfall. It’s about 80 metres high and has 6 levels.
- Kaeng Luang Dinosour National Park : This is the highlight! If you want to learn about dinosours, just head for this. You will see real fossils of dinosours. Amazing! Don’t miss this, especially if you have kids.
- Pang Ngun Cave : It’s located in Ban Pang Ngun, Dok Kham Tau District, Phayao Province. This is a large cave, consisting of 5 different halls, and can contain at least 400 tourists. Inside the cave, you will find sparkling crystals all over.
- The sunset seeing spot behind the office of the national park : Go and watch the romantic sunset with your love one.
- Lignite Mine : This is an old mind. But now it’s like a large reservoir.
How to get there
Let’s look for the Highway 1021, from Phayao Province to Dok Kham Tai County. Keep going until you find your way to switch to the Highway 1251. Then turn right to Pa Bia Village for about 4 kilometres. Then you will reach the national park.
The second route is to use the Highway 1120(Phrae-Chiang Muan). You need to switch to the Highway 1091. Then switch to 1251 and keep driving for about 15 kilometres.
If you can’t drive or don’t have a car, you can just take a tour bus instead. Take one from Bangkok to Phayao.
Doi Phu Nang National Park Map
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