Klong Tron National Park Be stunned with the beauty of Klong Tron Waterfall.

klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron

Lots of national parks have beautiful waterfalls, same as this one.

Klong Tron National Park is a national Park in Uttaradit Province, where you want to visit for once in lifetime.

The whole area is 518.80 square kilometres large. Also known as ‘Ton Sak Yai National Park’, it consists of various streams, brooks and beautiful mountains.

In 1989, Mr.Pairoj Darapen, an officer of forestry department, was assigned to explore the left and right side of Klong Tron Preserved Forest. The result said, all areas were plentiful with forests and waterfall. As these areas have been a well-known preserved forest, they were officially transformed into a beautiful national park five years later.

klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron
klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron


The geographical features of the National Park consist of high and low mountains. Major mountains of the National Park include Kao-phumiang, Kao-kwumrua, Kao-ngairua, Kao-samliam, Kao-yuak, Kao-thanon, Kao-daed, Kao-maipha, Kao-takbon, Kao-namyai, Kao-phakkhuang, Kao-jan. Kao-phumiang is the highest mountaintop (1,500 meters above the medium sea level) located in the east of the National Park, and being the source of major gullies flowing westward into the Nan River.


Regarding the weather condition in the areas of the National Park, in summer (March-April), the weather is relatively hot for long periods of time (the lowest temperature is at 12.9 C, meanwhile, the highest temperature is at 42.6 C); in winter (October-February), the weather is cold; and in the rainy season, there are moderate rains for short periods of time.

Flora and Fauna

There are various kinds of forests within the areas of the National Park, including arid, evergreen forests, virgin forests, pinery, mixed forests, and timber forests. Major plants include Irvingia malayana Oliv. (Krabok), Hopea ferrea Pierre (Takienhin), Anisoptera costata (Krabak), Indian mahogany, Pometia pinnata (Sompong), rubber trees, Malacca trees, Michelia alba, teak, Xylia xylocarpa (redwood plants), Leguminosae (Pradoo), Lagerstroemia (Tabaek), Schleichera oleosa (Takraw), Vitex pinnata Linn. (Teen Nok), Terminalia chebula (Samor Thai), Shorea obtusa Wall. (Teng-rung), Dipterocarpus intricatus (Hiang), Dipterocarpus tuberculatus (Pluang), Cratoxylon pruniflorum (Tew), cratoxylon formosum (Taew), and different kinds of Lithocarpus cantleyanus (Kor).

Wild animals found in the National Park include goral, bears, Muntiacus Muntjak, mouse deer, clouded leopards, fishing cats, masked palm civets, wild rabbits, wild boars, monkeys, loris, mongooses, squirrels, tree shrews, porcupines, and different kinds of reptiles.

klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron
klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron
klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron

There are lots of water resources at the national park. However, ‘Klong Tron’ is the main one, as it’s the canal that gathers flowing water from other resources.

Furthermore, there are cliffs and mountains. The most important ones are Khao Phu Miang, Phao Kwam Rua, Khao Ngai Rua, Khao Sam Liam, Khao Yuak, Khao Tha Non, Khao Dad, Khao Mai Pha, Khao Tak Bon, Khao Nam Yoi, Khao Phak Khuang and Khao Chan. Phu Miang is the highest one, approximately 1,500 metres.

For your information, the weather at Klong Tron National Park is mostly hot, especially during March to April. However, if you want to feel cold, you’re suggested to travel during October to February.

klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron
klong tron national park, ton sak yai national park, uttaradit national park, klong tron

The whole area is beautiful. But, if you’re looking for some suggestion, then we suggest your these spots.

Klong Tron Waterfall : Of course, the waterfall is the highlight of the national park. Just take a look at the name. The waterfall originates from the brook Huai Klong Tron. In fact, it’s divided into 2 different waterfalls. The first one has 4 levels and is about 20 metres high. The second one is 30 metres high and about 1.5 kilometre away from the first one.

Phu Miang : The highest mountain of the national park. You should go to the top of it and look down. You will see the overall scenery of the village nearby. But, best of all, you can set up your tent on Phu Miang. However, there will be no facilities.

Tham Chan Cave : Located just in front of the right side of Klong Tron Preserved Forest, the cave is 200 metres deep and 15 metres wide. There are sparkling stalactites in there.

How to get there

As soon as you’re in Uttaradit, you should look for the Highway 1045, which is about 68 kilometres long. Then, from Nam Pad County, you look for the Highway 1212(Huai Dua-Ban Pia) and reach for Ban Ton Khanoon. Not so long after that, you will arrive at the national park. If you still worry about getting lost, we recommend you to book the car rental with driver.

Opening hours and Entrance fee : Opens daily from 8 am until 6 pm. dmission is Adult 100 THB and for Children 50 THB.

Note : Not accessible for wheelchair user
