The Town Gate and Muang Laplae Museum ‘Track the past lives of Laplae villagers.’

muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate

The Mystery of Laplae Town

By going to Uttaradit Province, surely you don’t want to miss a chance of tracking and proofing the legend of Muang Laplae.

Muang Laplae or Laplae Town was a mysterious town that outside people weren’t able to enter. According to the legend, it was also called ‘Laplae County’ and located in Uttaradit Province. It was an ancient community during the period of Sukhothai. It is believed that Laplae was a town of ‘honesty’. The legend says, lying wasn’t allowed in the town. There was a man from Tung Yang Town losing his way in Laplae Town. There, he saw a beautiful woman hiding her belongings. The man snatched those things and tricked the woman until she totally believed him, willingly accepted him as her husband, and took him into Laplae to live with her. Time went by, the man and the woman gave birth to a child. One day, the woman went out to run some errand. The baby cried all the time, missing the mother. The man lied to his baby that the woman had  returned. The villagers knew that the man was lying. Therefore they banished him from Laplae.

Laplae is an interesting town. Although there aren’t certain historic stories of the town, but it can be believed that the town existed.

muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate
muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate

Pack your bags and solve the mystery of Laplae town at Muang Laplae Museum! 

The museum is located in Laplae County, Uttaradit Province. By getting there, you should learn everything you need to know about Laplae Town.

You must go through the town gate of Laplae first. The gate is a large one covered in light yellow. It looks like a kind of ancient fort. You go through it and you will reach the museum. But, before reaching the museum, you should make a stop and take some photos of the gate first, as it’s a landmark of the town.

muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate
muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate
muang laplae, muang laplae museum, muang laplae uttaradit, uttaradit town gate

Then, you will reach the museum. The museum is quiet and surrounded with gardens and several statues. There is a text written ‘Muang Laplae Museum’ in Thai language.

The museum is divided into different zones, but mostly ancient Thai wooden houses. Each house contains traditional things, for examples, fabric weavers, basketry things, old cabinets, old utensils, and also some figures. There are pictures and texts telling you about the history of Laplae Town, from costumes to various traditions.

Beside of having tours inside all houses, you can take a leisure walk outside too. The gardens are beautiful. There are some seats and lots of spots perfect for photography.

The museum is open everyday, from 9:00am-16:00pm. The admission fee is not required. Therefore, get everyone in your family with you too.

How to get there 

The museum is located in Sri Phanommas District, Laplae County, Uttaradit Province.

You can get there by driving. Starting from Bangkok, you need to look for the Highway 1(Pahonyothin). Keep going until you reach Wang Noi County, Ayutthaya Province. Then keep going and pass Angtong, Singburi, Chaiyanat, and Nakhon Sawan, Pitsanulok. Finally, you will reach Uttaradit. From that point, follow the Highway 102 to reach Laplae County. It should take about 8 kilometres.

If you’re too lazy to drive, that’s find. Just get a bus that takes you from Bangkok to Uttaradit. The bus departs from Northern Lin Transport Station(Mochit 2) everyday. You just have to get one. Or you can just grab a train from Bangkok to Uttaradit.

Town Gate of Uttaradit Province Map