Attractions in Mae Sariang – Mae Sariang District

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Mae Sariang located on the Mae Hong Son Loop route 200km south west of Chiang Mai is a small and sleepy town. Located in a valley surrounded by mountains and forests, it is mostly populated by the Shan people (or Tai Yai as they call themselves a minority group who originate from southern China) and mix of hill tribes such as the Karen, Lawa and Hmong. The influence of Shan culture is visibly felt in Mae Sariang, from women in their traditional Shan dress (still a common sight at temples) to its architecture and cuisine. The town is made up of lovely old wooden shophouses mixed in with newer buildings, exquisite temples and the River Yuam.

Attractions in Mae Sariang

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mae sariang, mae sariang attractions, mae sariang mae hong son, attractions in mae sariang

Wat Kittiwong

Kitti Wong Temple is a must-see for those into Buddhism and Mae Hong Son culture. The temple includes important manuscripts that were found in Tham Phra Deaeng which tell of the history between Burma (now Myanmar) and the Lanna Kingdom of Thailand, as well as interesting relics from Chiang Mai province. This temple enshrines Lord Buddha’s relics brought from Chiang Mai. The door and window of the chapel are decorated with beautiful stucco designs.

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mae sariang, mae sariang attractions, mae sariang mae hong son, attractions in mae sariang

Phra That Jom Kit Ti Temple

Phra That Jom Kit Ti : one of very old temples in Mae Sariang district. It has been worshipped by the people for many centuries ago. It was built around the year of B.E.2256. in the area of 80 rai (Thai measure) with Lanna architecture style. It is also the place contained the relic of Buddha, and there will be the celebration every year on the eighth of the waxing moon in June.

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mae sariang, mae sariang attractions, mae sariang mae hong son, attractions in mae sariang

Wat Phrathat Chomthong

Wat Phrathat Chomthong 1 kilometre up to a hill near Mae Sariang district, this temple enshrines a huge Buddha image and overlooks the beautiful scenery of Mae Sariang. It is invaluable temple, inside the temple is placed Luang Phaw To, the big Buddha image, which is the biggest in Mae Hong Son province. It is 10 m. in width and 15 m. in height, moreover, it has obtained Lanna architecture style which is different from other temples in Muang Mae Hong Son that are always in Shan’s style. In the area around, the tourists can see the good scenery throughout Mae Sariang town.

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mae sariang, mae sariang attractions, mae sariang mae hong son, attractions in mae sariang

Wat Phrathat Chommon

Wat Phrathat Chommon : One of very old Lanna style temples that is very well-known among the people. There is the old pagoda on the high hill where you can look around the lower scenery that have a lot of houses, farms, and Yuam stream which hides itself and flowing windingly along the out of sight complicated valleys. This temple is considered as one sacred, invaluable temple of Mae Sariang people. There will be the celebration in every year of July.

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wat phra that chom chaeng, wat phrathat chom chaeng, phra that chom chaeng temple, phrathat chom chaeng temple

Wat Phrathat Chom Chaeng

Wat Phra That Chom Chaeng is well-known for its Lanna decoration style. It’s all over the place: the pagodas, the vihara, the ubosot, all those sculptures. Everything is glorious. For the Lord Buddha’s relics, of course, you can go and pay respect anytime, It has been being respected by villagers for years. Everyone believe that the relics is holy and able to protect them from great dangers.

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mae sariang, mae sariang attractions, mae sariang mae hong son, attractions in mae sariang

Pha Ma Lo Karen Village

Pha Mo Lo Karen Village is a large Karen village, located 3 km. from the market place where hand woven fabric are produced for sale at a reasonable price. Read more about Karen hilltribe

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The Tribal Development & Assistance Center

The Tribal Development & Assistance Center, at km. 84 on Doi Mae Ho, is administrated by the Public Welfare Department. Most of the hilltribe people in this center are of Karen ancestry. The scenic area is noted for colourful flower plantation. Bua Tong or wild sunflowers bloom covering the entire valley during November annually. The tourists can see the color of flowers that bloom with yellow along both sides of the road as if they would like to welcome all the tourists who go to visit the place and Mae Hong Son province. Inside the place there will be 5 races of hill tribes houses and life styles shows, including all the cultures of each of them and also they provide you some traditional dresses for one who wants to dress yourself as same as them. All over the area will grow a lot of winter plants which are difficult to see from other places, and they still provide you some very tasty coffee to taste and drink.

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Salawin National Park

Salawin National Park cover a forested area of 721 square kilometers. The Salawin National Park is on the bank of Salawin River on the Thai-Myanmar border, about 164 kilometres south of Mae Hong Son. The Salawin River originates from Tibet before winding through China, Thailand and Myanmar for a total distance of more than 3,000 kilometres. The river is regarded as the borderline between Myanmar and Thailand for a distance of 120 kilometres. Read more about Salawin National Park

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Mae Sam Laep

Mae Sam Laep is a village on Salawin river, 62 km. from Amphoe Sop Moei on Highway No.1085. The renowned attraction among visitors is the point where Salawin river and Moei river meet. The village is situated within a deep valley facing Myanmar with white sandy beach on some part of the back. Visitors who want to take a boat along the river have to contact the park headquarters for their safety during the journey. The headquaters also provide accommodation and other facilities. To get to the headquarters, one can take Route 1194 from Mae Sariang district for about 4 kilometres, then turn right and continue along a dirt road for 4 kilometres. The best time for boat trip is from March to April when the water level is low and sandy beaches appear. Sceneries along the riverbanks are captivating with forest and mountains.

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Mae Sariang Map